8th TBF/RFP-Forum
23 mai 2025 @ 13:00-18:00
€330,33The editorial board of Tijdschrift Beleggingsfiscaliteit/Revue Fiscalité des Placements (“Tax Clicking”) is pleased to invite you to its annual forum.
Editor in chief: Dirk Coveliers (Lallemand Legros & Joyn)
Scientific committee: Yves Bocquet (ULB), Antoine Dayez (Lallemand Legros & Joyn), Olivier Hermand (PwC België), Alain Huyghe (Baker & Mckenzie), Roger Kaiser (EBF-FBE), Axel Laga (Candriam), Nicolas Lippens (Loyens & Loeff), Emilie Maes (EY Law), Laurence Pinte (ING België), Alessandra Sala (Freshfields), Lars Vanneste (KBC), Henk Verstraete(Stibbe), Ward Willems (KU Leuven)
Supporting committee: Rodolphe de Pierpont (VBO-FEB), Edwin Desnyder (Assuralia), Lotte Hendrickx (Febelfin), Roger Kaiser (EBF-FBE), Marc Van de Gucht (BEAMA)
I register for the session of Friday May 23, 2025 in Brussels: € 356 tax excl.
The number of participants is limited to allow for targeted interaction with the speakers